Scaling your Yoga Business
Make money in a heart-centered way
YES it IS possible!
Are you ready to build the confidence around your services to make your yoga business soar to new heights?
There is VALUE in what we do and I am here to help certified and aspiring yoga teachers, scale and understand that value, so that you can start putting money in the bank! You with me?

Over the past week of connecting with yoga teachers, one of the main obstacles you are facing in building a strong yoga business is, not being confident in defining what you are worth.
I've been there, I've felt that way too and I spent the first couple years in my business practically giving my service away - for free...
There is a time and a place to provide voluntary or complementary classes for the greater good but this should NOT be your standard!
The Shift - I started thinking about what I was willing to say "yes" to, what I was willing to say "no" to, and who I was willing and not willing to work with. This in itself is a practice and an incredible accomplishment especially in the yoga industry. We are suppose to serve everyone, right? WRONG!
I learned to say no, I learned the value my services and how not to be intimidated to put the dollar amount on them that I deserve.
The Result - A successful mobile yoga studio that allows me to live my ideal life of constructing successful large scale community events, travel across the US and beyond, heal others through private practice and above all - take back ownership of my life and schedule
Wanna learn how this is also possible for you?
I want to hear about the questions you have and challenges you are facing! Please take 5 minutes and fill my survey. Click here - Roll out your Journey!
If you know yoga teachers that could benefit from this survey please pass this along to them! Your efforts are greatly appreciated and will only make this program more impactful!
